Lesson 4 - Discussion Board
Умови завершення
Почати обговорення: 1
Опублікувати відповіді: 1
To receive full credit on this Discussion Board Question answer ONE of the following question. Please be thoughtful and thorough in your response.
- What does a mixer do in audio production?
- Think about how a mixer helps in controlling sound from different sources.
- How does an audio interface help you record music on a computer?
- Consider the role of an audio interface in connecting instruments or microphones to your computer.
- What’s the difference between a mixer and an audio interface?
- Think about how you might use each one in a simple recording setup.
- Why is it important to have an audio interface when using a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)?
- Consider how the interface helps in getting better sound quality in your recordings.
- If you were setting up a small home studio, which would you choose first: a mixer or an audio interface, and why?
- Think about what would be more useful for your recording needs.
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