Résumé de section

    • Recap

      Congratulations on completing Introduction to Video Production!

      In this module, we've covered:

      Camera Operation Part I: Frame Rates

      • How frame rates affect video footage
      • When and why to change the frame rates on a video production

      Camera Operation Part II: Exposure Triangle

      • How aperture, shutter speed, and ISO affect the exposure of an image
      • How manually changing your settings gives you more creative freedom as a filmmaker

      Live Broadcasting

      • The roles involved in live multicam broadcasts
      • How to tell a visual story of a live event

      Shot Types and Camera Movements

      • How the shots that filmmakers choose impact the story they tell
      • Establishing shots, wide shots, medium shots, close ups, tracking shots, and over the shoulder shots
      • Introduction to visual storytelling

      Shot Listing

      • How to interpret and understand an industry standard shot list
      • How to create your own shot list based on provided videos
      • The importance of pre-production planning

      Students should now be able to define frame rates, the exposure triangle, shot types, and camera angles. They should understand what goes into the production of a live multicam broadcast as well as the production roles involved. They should be able to manually adjust the settings on their camera to create a properly exposed image and create a shot list based on the needs of an individual production.