Lesson 5: Greenscreen Productions
Osion ääriviiva
Please respond to the following forum and at least one of your peers regarding green screen productions.
Palautettavissa alkaen: torstaina 9. tammikuuta 2025, 00.00
This assignment is designed for you to demonstrate what you learned in this lesson regarding green screen productions.
Please click add submission below to get started.
Palautettavissa alkaen: torstaina 9. tammikuuta 2025, 00.00Palautettava viimeistään: maanantaina 30. kesäkuuta 2025, 00.00
This learning lab is designed for you to demonstrate what you learned in this lesson regarding green screen productions.
Please click add submission below to get started.
Please complete lesson 4 introduction video, presentation of learning, discussion board, assignment, and learning lab before completing this quiz.