Atalaren laburpena

    • Objectives


      CTE.AME.A.5.2 Explore the role of art and design across various industry sectors and content areas. CTE.ICT.C.6.6 Integrate media into a full project using appropriate tools.


      1. Students will be able to export a digital template 2. Students will be learn the different menus on the home page 3. Students will accept Canva invitation to class. 4. Students will learn how to navigate Canva

    • Irekitze-data: osteguna, 2024(e)ko abenduaren 5(e)an, 00:00(e)tan
    • Irekita: osteguna, 2024(e)ko abenduaren 5(e)an, 06:40(e)tan
    • Irekitze-data: osteguna, 2024(e)ko abenduaren 5(e)an, 00:00(e)tan
    • Lesson 1 recap